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发表于 2014-11-18 12:47:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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在另一个例子中,我们喜欢称内部一份数据报告为“ProCat”(revenue by product category,按产品类型区分的收入),其中的销售数据告诉我们,必须微调某个核心产品的销售方式。这个早期预警远早于标准销售报告,我们立即进行调整,核心产品的销售额立即翻番。如果我们没有遏止销售额逐步衰退的趋势,很有可能在12个月之后造成重大灾难。而每月建立ProCat报告的成本基本为零。
How much data should you know and record about your customers? What should you do with the information you gather, and how much is too much?
Every company needs to answer those questions for itself. Here’s how we approach the task at our 100-person inventory software company.
We collect as much business-specific information about every customer as we possibly can. The results range from a few pages gathered to see if our product was the right fit for the customer, to sometimes even dozens of pages of highly-detailed and even personal information such as individual names and roles within the company. The data goes into a master customer relationship management, where we put it to active and regular use.
We never share or sell the data. However, the secret to our success is that we use the information we gather in a very high-touch and very personalized way. We try to have our account leads make a personal call to every account approximately every quarter. The goal of these calls is to get clients to suggest the ways to “tune” the software, the services and processes &#8212 what to add, what to consider, and possibly even what to downgrade to conserve cost. When we use the data this way, customers are generally happy to give us progressively more.
We estimate that 10-15% of our revenues are won (or retained) as the direct result of our use of this specific customer information. In a down economy, that 10-15% could mean our entire profit, won or lost as the result of information we’ve gathered and how we use it.
We use customer data to direct our product development priorities and features as well. For example, years ago we got significant feedback from customers about improvements they like to see in software that manages customer returns. Based on this information, we built the basic pieces and released them this beta version as a means to get feedback about how our customers felt about the core functionality. We fully expected them to say: “So far so good &#8212 now go and finish the other 75% of what we asked.” Instead, they said: “It looks great, and that’s all we really need.” The feedback saved us from having to overbuild and overcomplicate, and it saved approximately $200,000 in development resources.
In another case, sales data from a data report we affectionately call “ProCat” (revenue by product category) was able to tell us that we needed to make some tweaks to how we sold one of our core products. This early warning arrived long before we’d have seen the issue in our standard sales reports. We immediately implemented the changes, and sales of our core product doubled immediately. Had this gradual decline continued, it would have created a major catastrophe approximately 12 months down the line. The cost to build the “ProCat” report each month is essentially free.
While businesses should clearly obey legal requirements and respect individual privacy, we believe that any business should gather as much data from their customers as they can possibly get. It’s the personalized and high-touch use of the data that makes customers willing (and even happy) to share. Using that data wisely (and treating the customer partnership with impeccable care) will be the soundest economic decision a company can make.
Additional reporting for this article was provided by John Erickson, VP Training and Support for Fishbowl.
作者:大卫·K·威廉姆斯(David K. Williams)是库存软件供应商Fishbowl的CEO, 玛丽·米歇尔·斯科特(Mary Michelle Scott)则是该公司的董事长。该公司位于美国犹他州奥瑞姆,它是全美发展最快的公司之一  

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