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发表于 2018-9-18 15:53:36 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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The Cloud 100: Meet The Top Private Companies In Cloud Computing For 2018


Cloud computing is powering the world today, from the rocket ship tech company to long-standing players in traditional fields like banking and construction. How we collaborate, how we share work, protect our data and choose to share it with the world – all is made possible with the cloud, fueling innovation not just in tech, but in every industry.


For the third consecutive year, the Forbes Cloud 100 recognizes the best and brightest of tech's hottest category. Compiled with the help of partners Bessemer Venture Partners and Salesforce Ventures, the list tracks the best private cloud companies in the world by operating metrics such as revenue and funding, while enlisting the help of no less than 34 of their public cloud CEO peers.

福布斯云计算100强连续三年被评为科技领域最热门、最优秀、最睿智的排行榜。在合作伙伴Bessemer Venture partners和Salesforce Ventures的帮助下,这份榜单通过营收和融资等运营指标追踪全球最好的私有云公司,同时获得了至少34家公共云首席执行官(CEO)的帮助。

The companies of the Cloud 100 are champions of small business and facilitators of the world's most important multi-national corporations, helping manage everything from restaurant orders to the field operations of oil rigs at sea. For the second year running, they're led by Stripe, the online payments company founded by two Irish-born brothers, Patrick Collison and John Collison, and valued at $9.2 billion. At millions of businesses globally, Stripe serves as the online tool kit for digital payments, helping billions in transactions flow back into the economy at customers Lyft, Target, Under Armour and Unicef.

上榜云计算100强的公司是小型企业和世界级重要跨国公司服务商里的赢家,他们的经营范畴涵盖管理从餐厅订单到海上石油钻井平台的所有业务。上榜公司以Stripe公司为首,这家连续两年拔得头筹的在线支付公司由一对爱尔兰的兄弟Patrick Collison和John Collison创立,目前估值92亿美元。在全球数以百万计的企业中,Stripe充当着数字支付的在线工具包,帮助诸如Lyft、Target、Under Armour和联合国儿童基金会(Unicef)一列的客户将数十亿笔交易回流到经济中。

After Stripe, there are major changes to the Cloud 100 top 5. With last year's No. 2 Dropbox now a public company, Slack moves up to the second slot in 2018. for its collaboration software; video messaging service Zoom Video Communications and security vendor Tanium slot replace now-public 2017 standouts DocuSign and Adyen. And a business selling to an unlikely category – construction tech – rounds out the top 5 with Procore, the subject of this year's Cloud 100 magazine feature.

Stripe之后,云计算100强前五发生了重大变化。去年排名第二的Dropbox公司现在是一家上市公司,Slack在2018年的排名中跻身第二位。视频通信服务商Zoom Video Communications 和企业安全供应商Tanium slot取代了现公开的2017 年云计算100强里standouts DocuSign和Adyen的位置。而一家做建筑技术销售的冷门企业,则依靠今年《云计算100》(Cloud 100)杂志特刊主题——Procore的报道,一跃成为榜单第五名。

There are 27 newcomers on the Cloud 100 list in 2018, led by robotic process automation company UiPath at No. 14. Other notable first-timers include developer tool-maker HashiCorp at No. 32 and AI-backed security company Darktrace, led by team of ex-researchers and government agents in the US and UK, at No. 36.


The Bay Area dominates the 2018 Cloud 100 list, representing 51 of the 100 companies, up from 48 a year ago. New York City was next (11), followed by Boston (7), Utah (4) and then the central California coast (3), Los Angeles (3), North Carolina (3) and Seattle (3). Internationally, two companies join the list from the United Kingdom, and companies from Estonia, Israel, The Netherlands and Switzerland are all represented. But at least two of the Cloud 100 companies, InVision and Zapier, operate with no office at all.


The top-ranked female-led company on the list is Eventbrite, the event ticketing and RSVP shop led by cofounder and CEO Julia Hartz. Eventbrite may not be on the list much longer, having recently filed to go public.

榜上有名的女性领导的云计算公司是Eventbrite,联合创始人兼首席执行官Julia Hartz领导了活动票务和RSVP商店。Eventbrite可能不会在名单上停留太久,因为最近他们已经申请上市。

The top categories of the Cloud 100 list in 2018 were Infrastructure & Developer Tools (15); Sales & Support (12); Security (12); Data & Analytics(11); Collaboration & Work (9). The top 20 of the list included companies from 10 of our 12 categories, led by Security and Data (4) and Analytics (4).


And while Data & Analytics was the 4th category by company representation, investors have poured in the most dollars, with a combined $3.93 billion in funding.




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